Pulsar America

President of Pulsar America

Massimo Franzaroli: he has the task of coordinating the sales and technical activities to guarantee the North American customers’ satisfaction.

Office phone: +39/051/6323011

E-mail: m.franzaroli@pulsarbgroup.com


Massimo Franzaroli is President of Pulsar; he has founded Pulsar Srl, specialist in the Tissue industry, with the development of many patents and technological innovations, he can rely on a 25-year old experience in the Automation and Packaging industries.

V.P. Operation of Pulsar America

Massimo Capisani

Phone: +1 ( 920 ) 585 7118

E-mail: m.capisani@pulsaramerica.com

Massimo Capisani, born in 1974, earned a degree in Commercial Technique and Engineering in 1993.

He started his career after graduation in 1994 as a specialized technical engineer at Inver S.p.A., an Italian company leader in the production of industrial paints, prior to joining Pulsar Italy in 2002, in the position of Technical Service and Software Engineer.

After 2 years dedicated to the service, installation and commissioning of any kind of Pulsar equipment, in 2004 he was promoted to Technical Service Manager.

In 2005, he entered the role of Executive Assistant Director of Technical Service until 2008 when he became Executive Director of the General Operations of the Technical Service Department for the UK and North American market.

In August 2013, he moved to Wisconsin USA, as Vice President of Pulsar America Inc., caring about the start of the new subsidiary of Pulsar in the US.

Sales Manager for the Tissue industry

Chris Fast: He is in charge of every commercial activity with the North American customers.

Mobile phone: +1 (920) 585 7119

E-mail: c.fast@pulsarbgroup.com


He can rely on a 25-year long experience in the Tissue industry, both as Production and Sales Manager, he has been travelling in North America for 180 days in the last 14 months and has visited more than 100 customers; he will take care of the every Tissue customer in North America.

Technical Manager

Alessandro Libanori: he will support the customers in every phase from project analysis, layout definition, technical specifications, proposals up to training to help our customers choose the best technical solution.

He has been travelling extensively in the last 14 months in North America and has analyzed projects and proposals for millions of dollars.

Office phone: +39/051/6323025

Mobile phone: +39/335/1339460

E-mail: a.libanori@pulsarbgroup.com


Mechanical engineer, he is expert in analysis and design of 3D layouts, and he has a 15-year long experience in the engineering of handling applications.

Registered Office

8040 Excelsior Drive

Suite 200

Madison, WI 53717 USA


3116 North Pointer Road

Appleton, WI 54911 USA

