The log-saw REDS is a machine that allows to sort the flow of cut rolls in exit from the log-saw on two different conveyor lanes.
The outfeed lanes of the log-saw (typically 2, 3 or 4) are interfaced with just as many lanes entering the REDS.
These lanes proceed on a mobile belt that can be positioned at the exit side on two different levels – the feeding of a different wrapper line corresponds to each level.
During normal functioning conditions, position change of the mobile belts takes place in less time with respect to the transit time of the space that separates two cut logs in succession.
In this way the REDS functions in a perfectly transparent way in respect to the log-saw.
For every level, the number of exit lanes can be greater than the number of entry lanes, typical case 3 entries on 4 exits. In these cases, as well as principle belt movements (high-low), supplementary movements are also present to allow this further sub-division.
The product unit that is exchanged is equal to an entire log – the log cannot be sub-divided into sub-multiples.
The space between the logs, which is necessary to change the mobile belt position, is created by the log-saw itself to allow to change the log under the cutting unit.