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Interview with Massimo Franzaroli, founder of Pulsar Engineering: 35 Years of Innovation and Challenges

Interview with Massimo Franzaroli, founder of Pulsar Engineering: 35 Years of Innovation and Challenges
Massimo Franzaroli, a visionary mind and expert in engineering, celebrates this year the 35th anniversary of Pulsar Engineering, a company he founded and led to success. This significant milestone testifies to his tenacity, passion for technology, and ability to anticipate market needs.
In this interview, Franzaroli shares some stories from his history leading the company and his vision for the future. It's a journey through innovation, a passion for technology, and perseverance in the face of challenges.
Pulsar Engineering, born from a farsighted idea by Massimo Franzaroli, is today a leading company in the tissue sector, internationally recognized for its excellence in designing and implementing innovative solutions.
Franzaroli reflects on memorable moments and challenges from his journey, from the early steps taken with enthusiasm and enterprise to leading a solid and established company.
Franzaroli is an example of how passion, combined with high-level technical and entrepreneurial skills, can lead to the realization of great dreams. His story is an inspiration for all those who wish to undertake a similar path and leave their mark.
Massimo Franzaroli, you are the founder of Pulsar, a leading company in the production of transport systems and machines for the tissue sector. This year you celebrate 35 years of activity.

What has been the most memorable moment of this long journey?

MF: Choosing just one moment is difficult because there have been many, and each had its value. Among the first that come to mind are the filing of our first patent in 1998/99, the beginning of exports that took us beyond local borders, and the inauguration of the new headquarters in Castel Maggiore. But if I have to choose one aspect that has given me the most satisfaction, it was seeing the people who joined the company grow and become key figures for our success. This has been the true engine of our progress.

What have been the biggest challenges you have faced, and how did you overcome them?

MF: The toughest challenge was undoubtedly facing the 2008 layoffs. Erasing years of work was very hard, especially because I didn’t expect it. It took two difficult years to recover, but from that moment, we learned a lot, and the company came out stronger. With all the employees, who had mortgages and other responsibilities, it seemed like a drama. In reality, in the end, we only had to face a week of stoppage, so all in all, it was more fear than anything else. However, this experience taught me a lot and changed me deeply.

How has Pulsar evolved over the years?

MF: The company has evolved by constantly changing, never doing the same things. On one hand, this led to a great evolution in terms of products and skills. However, this continuous change did not allow the company to grow as much as it could have in terms of employee numbers and turnover because it was impossible to stabilize a product while always doing new things.

What advice would you give to young people entering the business world?

MF: Have courage, determination, and don't be afraid to change. This is a time full of opportunities, with a continuously evolving business model. It takes innovative ideas, tenacity, and the ability to grasp market changes.

What is your vision for the future of Pulsar Engineering?

MF: The future of Pulsar will require a radical change, especially in the way of relating to the market and internal organization. People within the company will need broader and more flexible skills to adapt quickly to market needs. This is a crucial moment for our company, and we must seize this opportunity to give Pulsar a solid future.

Is there a particular anecdote related to your activity that you would like to share?

MF: There are many anecdotes, really many. One of the anecdotes I remember most fondly is when one of the first employees told me she was going to be a mother. It was a very emotional moment for me, especially since I don’t have children, the news filled me with joy. It was a sign of how the company had become a family. On the professional level, another significant memory is linked to the first "Tecnologia e Passione" event in 2006. On that occasion, we involved all the technicians from companies that had trusted us and contributed to our growth in the tissue world. During the event, we personally thanked each one of them in front of a large audience for their contribution. Many of their requests turned into innovative solutions, some of which became patents. These people, although not entrepreneurs or managers, worked within the companies, and thanks to them, Pulsar managed to grow, solving problems that then became products appreciated in the market.
These are just a few of the most significant moments that come to mind. Surely there are many others, but these two are the ones I find most interesting to share.